Need to reschedule your event? From our experience, the vast majority of attendees opt to attend the rescheduled event rather than be refunded, so we recommend updating your existing event page and handling a small number of refund requests, rather than managing large amounts of transfer requests.
Updating your event page
Firstly, you will need to update your existing event page.
From your Organiser Dashboard, click into the relevant event then select ‘Dates’ on the left-hand navigation. From here you can update your event start and end dates, as well as update your bookings close date.

Remember to check any places where you may have manually written your previous event date, such as your event name or description, both of which can be found in the ‘About the event’ section of the left-hand navigation.
You may wish to add a short note to your event description informing any potential customers that the event has been rescheduled. Again, this can be edited in the ‘About the event’ section from your left-hand navigation.
Informing your attendees
In addition to updating your social media channels, you will need to email all of your attendees to inform them of the change to their booking. To obtain a full contact list of your attendees, click into the relevant event from your Organiser Dashboard, select ‘Bookings’ from the left-hand navigation, then click ‘Download CSV’. Select ‘Bookings’, and your download will begin.

As this is a ‘status’ email, not a ‘marketing’ email, you have a legal basis to contact all customers under GDPR, regardless of their marketing consent preferences. You must not, however, include any marketing messaging in this status email. This is strictly an email to inform your customers of the rescheduled event.
As your event has been rescheduled or relocated, the attendee is entitled to a refund should they not wish to attend the replacement event. We would advise including in your email information on how the attendee can request a refund. We would also recommend including a deadline for those who would like to request a refund; you don’t want to be inundated with refund requests the day before your rescheduled event.
Refund requests
When processing a refund request, use the search bar from either your main Organiser Dashboard to search all events or the search bar within the ‘Bookings’ section of your event page to restrict the search to only that event. You can search by name, email address, phone number or booking reference.

When you have located the relevant booking, select ‘Cancel/Refund tickets’, choose the ticket(s) which you are refunding, then select ‘Cancel and refund’. If there are multiple tickets on the booking, you can either refund the entire booking or refund only some of the tickets.
The customer will receive an automated email when processing a refund, which should reach the customer’s bank account within 5-10 working days.
You can inform all attendees regarding the time change via our mass email tool. In the backoffice, under “Communications”.

You can send the message to attendees for any future time slots, attendees within a date range, or a specific date.

What about transferring the existing bookings?
As you have updated your existing event page, no action is required to transfer existing bookings to the new event date.
If you would like to send your attendees updated tickets with the new event date, you can click into each booking and select ‘Send confirmation email’ to re-send the booking with the updated e-ticket. The unique e-ticket barcode number will not change, this is only updating the date listed on the e-ticket and confirmation email.
We do not recommend re-sending e-tickets to customers as this usually generates confusion. We would advise simply informing your customers that their ticket is valid for the new date.
What if I don't have a new date confirmed yet?
If you have yet to confirm a new replacement date, you may wish to close sales. Select 'Dates' from the left-hand navigation and set 'Bookings close date' to a date in the past. Customers visiting the page will see 'Booking closed. - Sorry, bookings for this event are now closed.' You can then add your statement to the page by selecting 'About the event' and editing the event description.
What If I have multiple events and I would like to offer the customer a choice to transfer to any of these?
In this case, you may wish to offer your customers a credit for any of these events using discount codes. For more information, please visit Article: Discount codes.