1. Discount Code - Name your discount code. This will be used by customers during the booking process.
2. Discount type - Choose whether the discount will be a percentage of the ticket price or a fixed amount.
3. Eligible tickets - Select all or individual tickets that the discount code will be applicable for.
4. Discount amount - Enter the percentage or fixed amount value of the discount.
5. Expiry Date - The discount will no longer be applicable after this date.
6. Quantity available - The number of tickets that can be sold using the discount code.
7. Min/Max per booking - Enter the minimum and maximum amount of tickets that can be purchased per booking for the discount code to apply.
Save changes to create the discount code.

8. Your discount code - Once create, your discount code will appear in the 'Discount codes' page. You can edit the contents of this code at any time by clicking on the name which will take you to the discount code's set up.
Example 1 - Buy 4 and get the 5th free. Lets say that you want to let customers buy 5 tickets and get the 5th one for free, you would set the minimum per booking to 5 tickets and the maximum per booking to 5 and have the percentage discount set to 20%. In the description you could say "Buy 5 tickets and then add PROMO20 in the discount code section " (which is set at 20% off). In this way the customer would get 20% off the price of 5 tickets effectively giving them 1 ticket for free.*
*Alternatively, you can opt to use the group bookings feature
Example 2 - Volume discount. Let's say that you want to let customers get a 20% discount if they purchase between 5 and 10 tickets, you would then set the minimum quantity to 5 and the maximum quantity to 10. By doing this, if the customer purchases between 5 and 10 tickets they would get a 20% discount on the total purchase.