Tickets showing as sold out on the booking page may mean that you have not added a quantity for your tickets. To sort this out follow these steps.
- Go to the event that you want to add tickets to.
- On the left-hand side menu, click on Ticket types.
- On the individual tickets you will see a box that allows you to add the number of tickets available - Qty available
- Add as many tickets as you wish to sell for these tickets and repeat for the rest of your ticket types.
- At the bottom of this page you will see a box called Total tickets available for sale. Use this box so your tickets sales in total will not exceed this amount, very useful for events with venue capacity limits.
- Save changes! This is important, otherwise it was all for nothing.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, drop us a message at [email protected] or use the chat bubble when logged into your Bookitbee account.