LIVE IT provide a technology platform to Event Organisers which enables them to take payments directly for tickets that they sell. The terms of sale are also set by the Event Organiser and differ between events. LIVE IT do not set the policy or process, nor do we hold their funds. As it is likely that the policy and process will differ for each event organiser, we recommend contacting them directly. Contact details for the event organiser will usually be on their website or ticketing page. In most cases, the event organiser cannot offer a refund unless the event is cancelled or postponed.
If you have opted to include booking protection with your purchase you may be entitled to a refund if you are covered by the booking protection policy (i.e. personal illness, transportation breakdown, jury duty). We work with two booking protection agencies (Refund Protect and Booking Protect), please check your booking confirmation email for details and follow the link for the relevant booking protection agency below:

For more information on bookings with REFUND PROTECT please consult the policy terms and conditions which you will find attached alongside your tickets or visit
For more information on bookings with BOOKING PROTECT please consult the policy terms and conditions which you will find attached alongside your tickets or visit
Please note - Refund Protect and Booking Protect are for personal coverage. i.e. you have fallen ill, your transport breaks down, you are called for jury duty. This is not event insurance and you should not contact them if your event has been cancelled.
Has your event been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Please visit this link for more information.