Looking to offer a discount or credit across multiple events? Save time with our global discount code feature.
To access this feature, select 'My account' from the top header and then 'Global discount codes' in the left-hand navigation.

First, input the code which you will be giving to the customer to the 'Discount code' field. Use letters and numbers only, and this is case insensitive.
Next, add a title for this code. This is for internal use to help you keep track of your code usage, so for example, 'John's event credit' or 'summer promo' would be good descriptions. This is not visible to the customer.

Then set your desired discount amount, which can either be a set fixed value or a percentage. Please note, when using the fixed amount option, you cannot use this across events with multiple currency options.
Next, set the expiry date for your discount code. This will expire at midnight of the set date.
Finally, set the quantity available for your code. If you're giving someone a single-use credit, set the quantity as 1 and min/max as 1. The min and max tickets per booking fields are designed to only allow discounts when purchasing a set amount of tickets, for example, 10% off when purchasing 2 tickets or more.

Do not select the 'Manual bookings only' setting if this is a code meant for customers. Manual bookings are for your own internal use when manually generating bookings.
- If a single customer purchases 10 tickets, that will count as 10 uses of the discount code.
- Qty available applies across all ticket types selected, not per ticket type.
- Discounts are applied to the ticket price before we calculate service fees (lower ticket price = lower service fees).
- A 100% discount will count as a free booking and not attract any service fees.