Ticket types can organised into groups or kept as individual ticket types. You are initially set up with one ungrouped/individual ticket.

1. Group name - Click on this box to expand the group settings drop-down menu.
2. Title - Change the name of your group here.
3. Sales limit for group - This will dictate the total number of tickets that can be sold within this group only.
4. Show as expanded on the booking page - Check this box if you want this group of tickets to automatically appear as expanded on the booking page. Uncheck this box if you want the group's tickets to be collapsed, this will only show the group name and will require the customer to click on it to view the tickets (useful if you have lots of different tickets and groups).
5. Ticket title - This is the title of your ticket (changeable in the 'Title' box just below). Click here to collapse or expand the ticket within the admin area.
6. Title, Description, Price - These boxes make up the contents of this ticket. If there are any special details about the ticket use the description box to outline these, the description box has a character limit as it needs to fit onto the physical ticket.
7. Status - Choose whether you would like the ticket to be shown as 'Available for sale', 'Not on sale' or 'Sold out', alternatively if you do not want the ticket to be visible on the booking page you can also select for it to be hidden.
8. Min/Max per booking & quantity available - These values indicate the minimum and maximum amount of tickets that can be bought at one time. The quantity available indicates how many of this particular ticket can be sold.
9. Options and overrides - Clicking here will bring up a separate box - from here, you can set individual booking fees or tax rates per ticket. Leave this blank if you want all the fees and taxes to be the same (this is set up in the next section 'Fees and taxes')

In override, you can adjust the booking fees, tax rate and footfall quantity. Footfall quantity means how many people does this ticket type count for in attendance.
10. Add ticket/ Add group - Use these buttons to add more tickets and groups to your booking page.
11. Total ticket sales limit - This indicates the total number of tickets available across all your tickets and will override any other values given for individual ticket types so you do not sell more than this number - very useful if you have capacity limits.
How ticket sales work
The booking process works on a queuing system which means that when your customer selects their tickets and clicks 'Next' the system will check that those tickets are available and if they are the tickets will be reserved for 15 minutes in order to be purchased. If the purchase is not completed within this time then the system will release those quantities of tickets and make them available to other customers. This avoids overselling tickets for your event and also ensures that incomplete bookings do not affect your sales.
Refund Protection
Bookitbee offers refund protection as part of its service to ticket buyers. This is protection for ticket buyers if they cannot attend an event for personal reasons such as illness, pregnancy, etc. You as the organizer have NO OBLIGATIONS with regard to refund protection and it costs you nothing. Refund protection takes the pressure off organisers from customers frivolously requesting refunds and decreases the likelihood of chargebacks. This option can be switched off at any point through your user account. For more information on refund protection click here.
- Tickets and groups can be ordered and reordered by clicking and dragging the arrows on the left-hand side of the item.
- Once a ticket type has bookings in progress it can not be deleted, only hidden from public view.
- If you have multiple tickets with similar names we recommend adding some additional text that will differentiate them to assist with reporting.
- If you need to change the price of the ticket you can, however, we recommend creating a new ticket and hiding the previous one. Changes to a ticket's price will not effect existing bookings.