1. View the booking page - During the course of your set-up you can preview the booking page to see how it looks.
Remember to save any changes you have made before you preview the booking page - it will not show updated changes until they are saved.
2. Make an event live or hide an event - Making an event live will enable your booking page and allow the public to purchase your tickets. Hiding an event means that the booking page is no longer accessible to the public.

3. Name of your event - If you are creating multiple, similar events we recommend adding the date into the title so your customers can easily find the correct event.
4. Category - This will go into our event directory.
5. One-line summary - This is used for search engines and social media sharing.
6. Promotional strapline - This appears under the main title on your event page - often used to promote early bird tickets or to draw attention to a particular piece of information.
7. Website address for the event (or your organisation) - This can be the company website, Facebook event page or a personal website if the event is advertised there.

8. Event description - Enter all the main information about your event in this section - if you have an excess of information it may be best to use Information pages as it won’t clutter the main booking page.